Monday 17 February 2014


A brief look at the time ahead

As this is the first post of my game development blog, I am not going to bore you all with a welcome world post. Instead I thought this would be a perfect time to introduce you to a brief look at what is in development and what the plans are for the near future of One Six Games.

First off let me talk to you about the first prototype that is already available to play under the games page in the link bar. Bloomer Run is the first real platform that has been created. Although there are some bugs and fixes that need to be rectified but the game is playable. I wanted to recreate a game that I loved so much just as everybody else does. That is a Mario spin off.

The objective though is a little different, you have to travel through various levels to collect all the coins in order to progress. Its not that simple! You do have to watch out for the enemies and spike traps that await this character to get to the end of the game.

Please take a look and all comments are valuable to improve on the core game and its mechanics. Although it is not a very pretty game to look at, it is something that is in the works and to use my own graphics to make the game, in my opinion more professional as a developer. As this was my first game that I can say that I am proud of, I have decided to leave it for the time being and work on improving my skills on a completely new game.

Which brings me to my next subject. I have designed a vertical scroller titled "Mayhem Street" in which all the graphics I have designed myself, including the background, cars and the obstacles that you will face in the game. This is the first attempt at the graphics in which I have used anyways. So I hope once the core mechanics are finally tuned and polished then it will sure be on this blog for you to play. Again comments and views on the game would be greatly appreciated.

At the moment in time of the games life, its not a simple duck and weave out of the way of the obstacles, you can control the car to go a little faster to increase your score multiplier. As you know with any game, the obstacles will come at you faster in which your returned rewards are greater.

What's happening now?

Well I am glad you asked. At the moment I am working on Mayhem Street until I am happy with it. Although I am currently putting all my time into this game, I am planning my next one and I am hoping that the knowledge of the two games that I have made, that I can put them together to create a really awesome game.

I will post details and previews of my latest goings on, so do check back. Or if you like, connect with me through one of my social networks on the right side of this blog. I am very active and would like to connect with other people who are interested in the same things as me. If you are a fan of my work, then please do connect. I will answer any questions you have and take any suggestions on board.


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